The king Shahrukh Khan is having a field day. Litterally after a long time a shoot has been ‘all play’ for the actor. We guess SRK took the ‘all work and no play makes you a dull boy’ phrase too seriously. No wonder we heard of him partying with a gang of eleven gals (only his co-stars) in Australia where they are shooting for Chak De. We are just kidding guys; we can’t ever imagine the dynamic Shahrukh Khan being even vaguely dull – on-screen or off-screen. But the fact is that he’s been playing a lot of hockey on the field, all for the film of course. That’s duty work-outs which have become Shah Rukh’s regimen lately. Well, ‘work hard, play harder’ – that’s the new manta.
Source: ‘Times Of India’ Image Source: krisbdream
Here are some exclusive photos of Shah Rukh Khan in “Chak De“
Source: ‘Times Of India’ Image Source: krisbdream
Here are some exclusive photos of Shah Rukh Khan in “Chak De“