Neha Dhupia, the voluptous beauty of Indian cinema has some high regards fro the versatile Indian actress of the 60s and 70s, Rekha. Delhi Times caught Dhupia on the sets of her upcoming movie ‘I’m 24’. Dhupia who is known for her provoking performances was doing a cabaret and was decked up in jewels from head to toe. This made the people out there compare her with the old yet gorgeous Rekha who had played a cabaret in the blockbuster movie. ‘Parineeta’.Dhupia was quite elated with the comparison and she told Delhi Times that “Rekhaji is simply a wonderful actress. Her beauty, her elegance is so admirable both on the screen and off it. However, I have given my best to the song and I hope everybody loves it.â€
Well, let’s hope that Dhupia is only impressed by the reel and not the real life of Rekha.