The former beauty queen Neha Dhupia is aiming at doing a variety of roles these days. Her forthcoming movie, ‘Ek Chalis Ki Local’ is supposed to present Dhupia in a different kind of character. Neha has kept her fingers crossed for ‘Ek Chalis’ which will soon hit the cinema halls all over the country. Neha tells the Delhi Times that “I’ll be seen doing a variety of roles in my forthcoming films. As an actress, I don’t look at boundaries. The kind of roles I have done in the past and the ones I am doing now are different and interesting at the same time. I want to grow as an actress and I’m lucky to be getting the right kind of work,†she says.Recently, Neha was spotted in Delhi while she was participating in a golf tournament. “I just need an excuse to fly down here to meet my parents and friends. Of course, from food to shopping, everything about Delhi is special,†she says.
When asked about her personal life especially her beau, the squash player Ritwik Bhattacharya, Neha happily replied “Everything seems just fantastic for me right now. But hey, I’m here to enjoy a good game of golf, so let’s not talk about squash.â€