It so happened that Dia Mirza and Manoj Bajpai were shooting for their short film ‘Zaheer’, which is part of Sanjay Gupta’s ‘Dus Kahaniyan’.In a scene Dia was supposed to slap Manoj. As pre-decided, Dia was to wave her hand close to Manoj’s cheek giving an impression of a slap, but while shooting Dia got so carried away that she placed a real tight slap on Bajpai’s cheek shocking him to the core. Manoj was stunned for a moment but he continued with the scene because director Sanjay Gupta did not call ‘cut’. Gupta has decided to keep the shot in the film because of its real look.
After this incident Manoj has been calling Dia by a new name – Deepak, because of her manly strength.