It is merely not an incident but something pre-destined that brought Aishwarya Rai, who is playing role of Mumtaz Mahal in Ben Kingsley’s film to celebrate her 34th birthday in Agra. She was joined in party with Amitabh and Jaya Bacchan and Abhishek was already there as both reached in Agra for a shoot of an Ad to be performed on Wednesday 31st October 2007.This is Aishwary’s first birthday on November 1st 2007 after her marriage and it is very special for her as she said, “This is my first birthday after marriage and therefore a very special occasion. But that apart, you know me. Spending time with the people I love is my greatest joy. I’m in a very happy place…â€
Despite her hectic schedule Aishwarya in US after the shooting of Pink Panther she reached India in time for Karwa Chauth, however, she was complaining about media “I came back from the US from shooting Pink Panther in time for Karwa Chauth. God knows how the tv cameras got our shots, probably from neighbour’s premise.â€
As a birthday gift she only wants, “Just blessings and good wishes. Apart from that God has given me everything.â€