The second Provogue Global Indian Film Awards (G.I.F.A) are being held at none other than the lush locales of Malaysia. And just as expected the event is being action packed by performances of bollywood biggies including Shah Rukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan. Arshad Warsi and Amrita Arora are hosting the awards and the panel of jury members includes Rati Agnihotri, jackie shroff, Shyam Benegal, Sajid Nadiadwala, Smita Thackeray, Sandeep Chowta and the noted film critic Subhash K Jha.
The venue of the award function is in itself a special treat and for everyone who can make it to the event, they are definitely going to have an enthralling experience presented by performances from Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif and Amisha Patel. And as if all this is not enough there is an added attraction for a celebrity football match, fashion show, charity dinner and auction during the occasion. Well now that leaves us with nothing more to desire….