Back after a long time outdoor shoot for Shaad Ali’s Jhoom Barabar Jhoom, actress Lara Dutta was first hit with news Zinda co-star Sanjay Dutt’s court Verdict. “I guess everyone has their own karma to sort out. Sanjay’s gone through so much, now he deserves peace of mind. He should remember nothing is constant in life. This phase too will pass soon,†she says, adding, “By far he is the most reticent and shy gentleman I have come across.â€
Speaking of gentleman brings Lara dutta to the subject of Longtime live-in Boy friend Kelly Dorji. “Our love has grown deeper than before. To maintain a relationship for long requires high levels of maturity and a lot of give and take. It’s not easy at all,†Lara says. Lara dutta met Kelly much before she became Miss Universe. As she got more successful, Kelly strongly supported her every move. They have been together for seven years now. What About the seven-year-itch? “Oh, the seven-year-itch came and passed as quickly too,†She laughs, “We went through our share of ups and downs, and we survived. I don’t think every couple has a seven-year policy written into their relationship!â€
Is the couple tying the knot soon?
“Honestly no. Even Kelly Doesn’t want it now. He is in a new phase in his career, and is brimming with ideas. At this point we are both gung-ho about life. That’s it.†Source: ‘Times Of India’
Is the couple tying the knot soon?
“Honestly no. Even Kelly Doesn’t want it now. He is in a new phase in his career, and is brimming with ideas. At this point we are both gung-ho about life. That’s it.†Source: ‘Times Of India’