Padmini (74), the yesteryear actress passed away at the Apollo Hospital in Chennai on Sunday midnight (Sep 24) following a heart attack. In fact, the Tamil film fraternity was shocked to hear the news as she was the guest at the Nehru Indoor Stadium in the city on Saturday night where Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi was felicitated(see pic).
She was born in Poojapura in Thiruvananthapuram in 1932 and was the most successful among the three sisters. Her elder sister was Lalitha and younger sister was Ragini and together they were known as “Travancore sistersâ€. All of them were trained classical dancers under the famous Guru Gopinath the Kathakali exponent and now all of them have passed away.
Padmini was married to late Dr K.T.Ramachandran and was settled in New Jersey. She started the “Padmini school of fine Artsâ€, one of the well-known dance schools in US. She is survived by her only son Prem Anand
Her last films in Malayalam was the Fazil directed “Nokkethadoorathju Kannumnattu†in 1984 , “Vaasthuhara†and “Dollarâ€. Danseuse and actress Shobana is her niece and Sukumari is her cousin.