“I think it is in fashion so get tested,†observed actor Venkatesh and he did have an audience. Joining him to voice concern and create awareness on HIV/AIDS were actresses Ramya Krishna and Suhasini Mani Ratnam, on a ramp that served as unique platform of gyan vani. Using fashion as a vehicle to drive home the point was designer Sanjana Jon who presented her eveningwear for the Hyderabadi audience.
Prints— floral motifs and bandhnis, detailing— paisleys, antique zardosi and laces, and layering were the high points of Sanjana’s creation. “It has been a nice balance working with celebrities and royalty. The latter are very defined in style. There jewellery makes up for eveningwear and the ensemble is kept minimalistic. In the West one finds usage of black mostly with emphasis on silhouettes. For the collection we have kept Indian sensibilities in mind,†says the designer. The line was presented by reigning Miss Universe Zuleyka Rivera and international models.
“This is the third year that we have been working with the Miss Universes. Earlier we flew down Jennifer Hawkins Miss Universe 2004 for AIDS awareness in Delhi and Mumbai. And this time we are taking the campaign to Chennai, Goa, Bangalore and Kerala as well,†says Shashi Abraham, director IG International presenting the tour that visited the red light area in Mumbai earlier before it hit the twin cities and moves to Delhi next. And for the host, “It was a community initiative and an opportunity for the Taj to create AIDS awareness and we could not have a better ambassador. We are happy to be part of the campaign,†observed Veer Vijay Singh, director operations-Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts Limited and general manager Taj Krishna.
If Salman Khan added charisma to the campaign last year along with other Bollywood badshahs, here’s hoping that the Telugu superstars and the visiting Miss Universe help spread awareness to battle the deadly menace. As for the ensemble, the collection had enough to offer for the Indian soirees and for the ensuing New Year season. Just hope mushrooming gyms with able fitness trainers will help chisel those figures to carry it with verve.
by: hindu.com