Saif Ali Khan, one of the versatile actors of Bollywood has done something which perhaps nay one would dare to. This ‘Omkara’ star has stepped out of the upcoming film of one amongst the most brilliant directors of Bollywood, Karan Johar. The film will also feature the celebrity couple Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan.Several reasons have been speculated behind this big step taken by Saif. According to a set of people, Saif has withdrawn because he is extremely wary of Abhishek and Aishwarya. A source tells Delhi Times that “Saif was not too excited about his costars Abhishek and Ash. The dates could have been adjusted. But he decided to let go.â€
The star cast of the film was decided this year itself. Initially Saif was quite happy with working with Karan Johar and Abhi and Ash. However, he backed off from the film a week ago. The reason according to him was that he would be busy with Kunal Kohli’s film and Yash Raj’s ‘Tashan’.
A source close to Saif also informs Delhi Times that the actor is not too comfortable working with Mrs. Ash Bachchan for the reasons known exclusively to him. “There is no obvious problem between Aishwarya and Saif. However, Saif has always maintained a safe distance from the Bachchans,†adds the source.